The Ability To Use AI Is The Most Critical & 
Sought-After workplace Skill in 2023

Get Certified In AI Fundamentals now & turbocharge your career.
We cover most of your certification cost with our Mission AI 2023 scholarship.

Certificate in AI Fundamentals

  This 21-Day Certification Course Is Designed To Turbo Charge Your Career, Skyrocket Your Pay & Open Up Highly Lucrative International Job Opportunities.

Certificate in AI Fundamentals

  This 21-Day Certification Course Is Designed To Turbo Charge Your Career, Skyrocket Your Pay & Open Up Highly Lucrative International Job Opportunities.

To meet the unprecedented demand for AI-trained resources, the Academy has over £6.5 million in scholarships this year to help 100,000 professionals worldwide get certified without worrying about training costs. (Note: The scholarship is on a first come basis.)
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

What is Certificate In AI Fundamentals?

The Certificate in AI Fundamentals is a foundational course specifically designed by AI industry experts to help career professionals & students quickly master the fundamentals of AI, understand how AI works and how it's to be used in business. 

You don't need any technical knowledge or programming skills to do this course. And there are no exams or tests.

What is Certificate In AI Fundamentals?

The Certificate in AI Fundamentals is a foundational course specifically designed by AI industry experts to help career professionals & students quickly master the fundamentals of AI, understand how AI works and how it's to be used in business. 

You don't need any technical knowledge or programming skills to do this course. And there are no exams or tests.
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

What is Certificate In AI Fundamentals?

The Certificate in AI Fundamentals is a foundational course specifically designed by AI industry experts to help career & business professionals quickly master the fundamentals of AI, understand how AI works and how it's to be used in business. 

You don't need any technical knowledge or programming skills to do this course. And there are no exams or tests.

Why you MUST get Certified in AI Fundamentals?

The ability to use AI  is the most critical & sought-after workplace skill in 2023. There's an unprecedented global demand for certified AI professionals as companies worldwide rush to adopt AI.  

Despite compensation for trained AI resources hitting astronomical levels, there aren't enough certified AI business professionals to meet this demand. 

This is expected to get worse. The World Economic Forum estimates AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025.

We are entering a bold new world powered by AI, where cars drive themselves, computers write their own programs and your doctor is a bot who never makes a mistake.  In this new world, understanding how AI works and putting it to action is a required basic skill, much like what typing, or using the computer or the internet was in the nineties.  The Certification in AI Fundamentals was created to get you prepared for this world.  

Who is this course for?

This course has been specifically designed for 

  1. Working career professionals in the UK & US
  2. Pre-university & university students. 
  3. Students applying for universities in the UK, US & Australia

Why get Certified in AI Fundamentals?

The ability to use AI is the most critical & sought-after workplace skill in 2023.  The World Economic Forum estimates 50% of all employees will need to reskill

The Certification was developed to assure your employer that you've mastered how AI works and how it's used in business. There's an unprecedented global demand for certified AI professionals as companies worldwide rush to adopt AI.

Who is this course for?

This course has been specifically designed for 

  1. Working career professionals in the UK & US
  2. Pre-university & university students. 
  3. Students applying for universities in the UK, US & Australia

PLEASE NOTE: This program is for people who live & work in the US, Europe and other countries like India. Canada & Australia where AI adoption is high and where they have a high risk of their jobs being impacted by AI. This program may not be appropriate for people in other countries where AI adoption is low or non-existent.

Who is this course for?

This course has been specifically designed for 

  1. Working career professionals in the UK & US
  2. Pre-university & university students. 
  3. Students applying for universities in the UK, US & Australia

This program is for people who live & work in the US, Europe and other countries like India. Canada & Australia where AI adoption is high and where they have a high risk of their jobs being impacted by AI. This program may not be appropriate for people in other countries where AI adoption is low or non-existent.

What does the course cover?

The course covers 21 topics consisting of 14 core and 7 additional lessons, delivered in a specific sequence over 21 days.

What is the fee for the certification?

The fee for the Certificate in AI Fundamentals course is  £240This includes the fees for our blockchain verified digital certificate & badge. 

What is the fee for the certification?

The fee for the Certificate in AI Fundamentals course is  £240This includes the fees for our blockchain verified digital certificate & badge. 

How is the course delivered?

Our lessons are delivered directly to your email inbox so you have easy access to it even after the course is complete. You don't need to login to an external website.  Most corporate firewalls do not allows employees to login to an external paywall.  

Moreover, we found that career professionals tend to complete a course when its delivered to their work email.

Our certificates & badges are blockchain secured

All students get blockchain verifiable Digital Badge & Certificate that can be embedded on your LinkedIn profile.   We have partnered with one of the world’s most advanced digital credentialing platform to issue our digital certificates & badges.
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge
The ability to use AI is the most critical & sought-after workplace skill in 2023. 

There's an unprecedented global demand for certified AI professionals as companies worldwide rush to adopt AI.

This is expected to get worse. The World Economic Forum estimates that 50% of all employees will need to reskill by 2025.
We are entering a bold new world powered by AI, where cars drive themselves, computers write their own programs and your doctor is a bot who never makes a mistake. The Certification in AI Fundamentals will help you prepare for this world. 

In this new world, understanding how AI works and putting it to action is a required basic skill, much like what typing, or using the computer was in the nineties. 

What does the course cover?

The course covers 21 topics. These are broken down into 14 core + 7 bonus lessons and delivered in a specific sequence over 21 days

What does the course cover?

The course covers 21 topics consisting of 14 core and 7 bonus lessons, delivered in a specific sequence over 21 days.

How much does certification cost?

The Academy charges a nominal fee of £42 for the entire certification, thanks to the generous scholarship provided by the Academy. This £42 fee covers both the course-fee as well as the cost for blockchain authenticated digital credentials (certificate & badge) issued by Accredible.

The fee is deliberately kept low to help career professionals quickly get certified so they don't get left out as companies rush to adopt AI.  The normal course fee for the Certificate in AI Fundamentals is £120 without the scholarship.  The academy, with help from sponsors is now offering a 65% scholarship to help you get certified without worrying over training costs. 

What is the fee for the certification?

The fee for the Certificate in AI Fundamentals course is  £240. This includes the fees for our blockchain verified digital certificate & badge. 

How much does it cost?

The entire tuition fee of £120 for the Academy's Certificate in AI Fundamentals course is covered by the Mission AI Scholarship. 

You only pay a token admin fee of £3 & £12 for our blockchain verified digital certificate & badge. (Total £15)

Can we pay in Indian Rupees

Yes. You can pay in Indian Rupees. via UPI, Indian Credit & Debit Cards or Net banking.  Please use the link below to pay via Instamojo link. 

For those in India, that's about ₹1600. 
- Admin fee = £3
- Digital certificate & badge =  £12 
- Total = £15, (or ₹1,600)

Our £6.5 million Mission AI Scholarship is open to everyone

To meet the unprecedented demand for AI-trained resources, the Academy has over £6.5 million in scholarships this year to help 100,000 professionals worldwide get certified without worrying about training costs. (Note: The scholarship is on a first come basis.)

Why We Offer Scholarships?

The core mission of the Academy is to help develop a large AI-trained resource base to help accelerate AI adoption among British businesses.  The Academy has a mission to train at least 100,000 career professionals a year. 

Offering a scholarship is our way of encouraging career professionals to get trained in AI without worrying over training costs. The scholarship makes the certification affordable for everyone.

Who's eligible for the scholarship?

The scholarship is open to all students, business & career professionals world-wide.  Our mission is to help train as many professionals as possible. 

Why We Offer 100% Scholarships?

The core mission of the Academy is to help develop a large AI-trained resource base to help accelerate AI adoption.

Offering a 100% scholarship is our way of encouraging career professionals to get trained in AI without worrying over training costs. The scholarship makes the certification affordable for everyone.

Who's eligible for the scholarship?

The scholarship is open to all students, business & career professionals world-wide.  Our mission is to help train as many professionals as possible. 

How to enrol with scholarship?

Click on the red button below to enrol. It'll take you to the registration page.
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

Our certificates & badges are blockchain secured

All students get Accredible issued blockchain verifiable Digital Badge & Certificate that can be embedded on your LinkedIn profile.

We have partnered with Accredible, the world’s most advanced digital credentialing platform to issue our digital certificates & badges.  Accredible is the highly trusted platform used by major universities like MIT & Harvard.  

Our certificates & badges are blockchain secured

Our certificates & badges are blockchain secured

Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge
All students get Accredible issued blockchain verifiable Digital Badge & Certificate that can be embedded on your LinkedIn profile.

We have partnered with Accredible, the world’s most advanced digital credentialing platform to issue our digital certificates & badges.  Accredible is the highly trusted platform used by major universities like MIT & Harvard.  
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