Our Mission

The Academy For Artificial Intelligence Education is a Scotland based AI research, training & certification institute setup to accelerate AI adoption among British businesses.  It was setup following a Scottish govt-funded R&D study. We focus on AI Fundamentals.
The Academy has a mission to train 100,000 career & business professionals each year to meet the unprecedented global demand for AI certified professionals.
The Academy has a mission to train 100,000 career & business professionals each year to meet the unprecedented global demand for AI certified professionals.  

To encourage software professionals worldwide to get trained in AI and be available to take up AI-related projects without worrying over training costs, we've made over £6.5 million in scholarships available this year alone as part of our Mission AI 2023.

Our Scholarship  (£6.5 million)

To encourage software professionals worldwide to get trained in AI and be available to take up AI-related projects without worrying over training costs, we've made over £6.5 million in scholarships available this year alone as part of our Mission AI 2023.
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

Our Certification

The Academy's flagship Certificate in AI Fundamentals is specifically designed by AI industry experts to assure employers that you have mastered the fundamentals of AI and knows how AI works and how its used in business - key skills that every employer wants you to have in today's workplace.

Our Certification & blockchain verified digital certificates & badges are highly regarded by the academia and industry.

Our partnership with Accredible, world #1 platform for blockchain verified credentials.

The Academy for AI Education has partnered with one of the world’s most advanced digital credentialing platform to issue our digital certificates & badges. 

Accredible is the highly trusted platform used by major universities like MIT & Harvard. All students will get our Blockchain Verifiable Digital Badge & Certificate.
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

Our Affiliation

The Academy is a member of the CPD Certification service, the accreditation entity for Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the UK. 

Our Affiliation

The Academy is a member of the CPD Certification service, the accreditation entity for Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the UK. 
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge
Certificate in AI Fundamentals Digital Badge

Our raison d'être

We are entering a bold new world powered by AI, where cars drive themselves, computers write their own programs and your doctor is a bot who never makes a mistake.  In this new world, understanding how AI works and putting it to action is a required basic skill, much like what typing, or using the computer or the internet was in the nineties.  

The Certification in AI Fundamentals was created to get you prepared for this world.  Our blockchain verified certificates and badges are powerful credentials that are trusted by the industry.

Our raison d'être

We are entering a bold new world powered by AI, where cars drive themselves, computers write their own programs and your doctor is a bot who never makes a mistake.  In this new world, understanding how AI works and putting it to action is a required basic skill, much like what typing, or using the computer or the internet was in the nineties.  

The Certification in AI Fundamentals was created to get you prepared for this world.  Our blockchain verified certificates and badges are powerful credentials that are trusted by the industry.

Our Core Beliefs.

We believe business leaders MUST learn AI directly from those who build AI. Not from online free videos posted by people with a underlying commercial objective... and certainly not from bloggers, web content writers or even theorists or pure academics.  Which is why our Certification in AI Fundamentals, our signature program is specially designed by AI experts who actually build AI.

We believe the most critical need is to understand how AI works and how to use it. If you are a career professional or a business persona you don't need to learn to "build" AI, just learn to "use" AI.  Just like you don't need a degree in electrical engineering to switch on your coffee machine. Leave building AI to the technical experts.  In other words, you don’t need any programming or technical skill to learn to use AI. (NOTE: You don't need any programming knowledge to get Certified in AI Fundamentals)

We believe the most important skill for a business leader in this decade would be their ability to navigate through our AI disrupted world. 

We believe AI is the single biggest opportunity of our lifetime. As per PwC it is a 16.7 trillion dollars opportunity. To get a handle on how big this is -  16.7 trillion dollars is bigger than the combined GDP of China & India today. It's that BIG... 

AI is not a better way of doing business, it's a completely different way of doing business, a more powerful way. Unleashing the power of AI is like switching from an animal-drawn cart to a sports car. It's going to be radical.

AI will disrupt or impact everything AND everyone. If not directly, it will affect you indirectly as AI is changing customers behaviour as well as the social changes and that will affect you anyway. Getting ready is the only option.

Business leaders & career professionals, both need to understand AI because AI not only disrupts business but disrupts the workplace as well.

We believe that it is not just AI but AI + other innovations that will disrupt our future. For example, AI combined with a innovation in electrical motor and power storage drives the autonomous car revolution. So business leaders have to understand the entire landscape of innovations.

We believe the disruption caused by AI is going to be fast & furious and will catch most people unprepared. So unless you learn it, understand it and tap into its power, you are going to be left behind. Most of the disruptive developments are happening in stealth mode given the industry's penchant for secrecy to protect their Intellectual Property. When they surface, these changes can be virally disruptive and adopted very fast. 

We believe, AI will cause massive socio-economic shifts that requires business leaders to be prepared. As per World Economic Forum, Future of Job Report 2020,  AI will eliminate 85 million existing jobs & create 97 million NEW Jobs by 2025. 

Our Founder, Nara Kaveripatnam (Iyer)

Nara is a tech-investor based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He specialises in AI strategy for the banking world. He has one AI patent pending in his name.

He started his career as an Investment Analyst in India before moving to Silicon Valley in the late nineties. Over the past 25 years, Nara has been engaged by major tech corporations across the world like Oracle Corp & Thomson Reuters in the US, HCL in India all the way to Huawei in China. Here in the UK, almost all the top high-street banks have been his clients. 

Nara has been part of the British technology missions to China, US & India.
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